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Monday, January 2, 2012

I'm back!

The void generated from my hiatus from blogging has been nagging me since 2009 when I stepped down from my online presence. My desire to post is a hard thing to explain. Does it stem from conceit? I don't really feel like I think my life is better than anyone else's. Or is it braggart? I don't particularly think my life is something I need to boast about. Or perhaps it's the need to be popular? Not really, most of the people who read my last blog were already friends or family members. And most people either love me or hate me anyway! So what's the impetus? I guess it is just a sincere desire to stay in touch. I had joined Facebook thinking it would be an acceptable surrogate for the blog, but something was still missing. Facebook is great for staying connected superficially; you are constantly updated on what everyone is doing. What I have found lacking on FB however, is the insight on why a "friend" has posted that picture, quote or update. Perhaps I'm just not technologically savvy enough to understand how to navigate social media in a way to glean what I want from it. At any rate, I found that with a blog, I can go into detail about the pictures I post or the stories I want to tell that I just haven't been able to do elsewhere. Plus, blogging made me look at my life differently. I always had a camera with me and was on the lookout for what would comprise that week's post. Suddenly, my life was more interesting because I knew family and friends would check in to see what I was up to and I didn't want to disappoint them. OK, doing the blog didn't actually make my life more interesting, but it certainly changed my perspective so that it seemed more interesting and adventurous to me. Life really is all about perception, so I'd like to revisit my life through the perspective of a blogger again.

I'd like to say that I will post weekly, but I'll make no promises at this point. I've been out of the habit for so long that I'm not sure what I'll actually have time for. So if you're interested, please bear with me.

Here's to a fun and interesting 2012!


  1. Good to see you back, I always enjoy reading "the world according to Karen.". It's almost as good as our visits at your sauna/apartment back in the day. Hopefully you haven't been playing with any geese:)

  2. yay! Glad you're back. I, for one, like to read about your adventures! :)

  3. Thanks Tater and Gen! I truly missed doing this blog...I really miss all yall and welcome this way to get back into your lives :-)

  4. Sweet!!!!! Enjoyed keeping track of you and your adventures through the blog, glad to see you will continue.... Love ya!

  5. Doesn't matter when or how often you post. I'll read'm. Hugs to ya, sweetie. Aunt Cynt

    1. Thanks Aunt Cynt, I'll try not to let you down :-)


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